The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for April 2011

Most Accessed Articles: April 2011

Energy from Recycled Plastic
Dow has successfully demonstrated the use of recycled plastic to generate energy

Angewandte Chemie 23/2011: Doubly Stable
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Like to Like
Make your micelles small enough and like charges attract. That's the startling conclusion of Indian researchers studying these biomimetic systems

Name Your Poison: Identification of Poisoned Catalyst Culprits
"Parasitic" side reactions responsible for catalyst poisoning revealed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) techniques

Methane Activation over Cellulose Templated Perovskite Catalysts
A facile and rapid preparation method for a wide variety of medium surface area perovskite-type catalysts on the laboratory scale

Stem Cells from Skin Helps Blindness
Sections of retinas regenerated and visual function increased with stem cells from skin

Energy Storage by ABB
ABB commissions a dynamic energy storage installation in the UK

Tuning by Dip-Coating
Dip-coating could become an interesting route to generate unique microstructures of organic semiconductors

Archeological Warning
Spectroscopy shows that environmental conditions must be considered when interpreting the chemistry of teeth and bones from an archeological dig