Recycling rates of metals in many cases far lower than their potential for reuse says a United Nations Environemnt Preogramme (UNEP) report

Metals Seldom Recycled

Take a Load Off, Hemoglobin!
High therapeutic potential of compounds that help hemoglobin release its oxygen load could improve cancer treatment

Angewandte Chemie 26/2011: Up She Goes
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Periodic Table of Videos Wins SPORE Prize
The Science Prize for Online Resources in Education has been awarded to a video project from the University of Nottingham, UK

Pirouetting Particles in Turbulent Flow
Particles in vortices in turbulent flow shown to change speed and shape like an ice-skater performing a pirouette

Compound Search℠
Free service enabling researchers to verify compound coverage in databases and spectral libraries published by Wiley and Wiley-VCH

Piece of Fullerene with Solar Cell Properties
New ‘deconvoluted’ fullerene derivatives that preserve a section of the fullerene motif show promise for solar cells

Indonesia's Largest Air Separation Unit
Linde builds Indonesia's largest air separation unit

Fuel Cells' Noble Cause
New design principle for finding fuel-cell catalysts could help preclude the need for expensive noble metals

Klaus Unger Turns 75
Klaus Unger, formerly the Johannes-Gutenberg University, Germany, celebrates his 75th birthday