Versatile membrane makes energy-efficient separation possible on an industrial scale and could be used in carbon capture

Large-Scale Separation Membranes For CO2 Capture

MOF Catalysis Under Ambient Conditions
Metal-organic framework (MOF) that employs O2 from air can oxidize substrates under ambient conditions

Chemicals Industry in 2011
Growth in the EU chemicals industry in 2011 will be better than initially expected, according to Cefic, Brussels

Use of Antidepressants in Europe
Research reveals that 10 % of middle-aged Europeans are on antidepressants

Do Humans Have a Magnetic Sense?
New findings on light-dependent magnetosensing potential of humans may lead to a renewed interest in sensory biology

Miniaturized Power Modules for Aircraft Maintenance
Sensors for the constant monitoring of aircraft wear need no external power thanks to new energy-harvester module

Detecting Cancer with AFM
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is showing promise as a probe of cancer

Generating the Most Energy from Movement
Materials that convert pressure into electricity shown to be more effective when patterned

Starch Immobilized Catalyst for Aminonitrile Production
Ruthenium immobilized with corn starch is highly efficient and recyclable catalyst for oxidative cyanation of tertiary amines

Carbon Catalyst for Dehydrogenation
Mesoporous carbon beats its nano-structure counterpart in the dehydrogenation of propane to propylene without the need for auxiliary steam