Increased nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised soils offset climatic benefits from carbon sequestration through fertilised plants

Nitrogen’s Double Role in Climate Change

Special Issue: Eun Lee’s 65th Birthday
Eun Lee’s 65th birthday and retirement from the field of organic synthesis is celebrated in this month’s issue of Chem. Asian J.

New Nanoscale X-Ray Microscope
Magnetic structure can be seen at the nanoscale level without using any lenses

Solar Energy Management
Storing power is complicated and expensive; smart energy management system makes it possible to use electricity when generated

Video Competition
ChemistryViews Video Competition: film where chemistry appears in your everyday life

New MOFs Family are Efficient H2 Generators
New family of polyoxometalate-based metal organic frameworks (POMOFs) show promise in the catalytic evolution of hydrogen

Explaining the Munchies Could Lead to Anti-Obesity Medication
Endocannabinoids, the body's equivalent to compounds in marijuana that lead to a "high" could help explain dietary fat intake

How Many Atoms Fit Into C60
How many rare gas atoms can be placed into a fullerene cage until the pressure becomes large enough to break the framework?

Calixarenes with Sulfur Bridges
The synthesis and solid-state structures of the less studied homothiacalix[n]arenes are investigated

Angewandte Chemie 33/2011: Caught on Gold
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie