Novel NMR method identifies preferential coordination sites between physiologically relevant counterions and nucleic acid bases

New NMR Technique Probes Ion Coordination Sites in DNA

Simpler Trifluoromethylation Procedure Discovered
Complicated trifluoromethylations could be a thing of the past with new procedure that is simple, safe and done at room temperature

Angewandte Chemie 35/2011: In Your Brain
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Active Nanotube Adsorption Sites Uncovered
New understanding of carbon catalyst surface could aid development of commercial catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons

Eliminating the Coffee Ring Effect
Simply changing particle shape can eliminate the ring-shaped stain that is left behind when drops of certain liquids dry

Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Levels Decreasing
Decrease in ethane and slowing of methane production linked to changes in energy use

Single Gene Could Increase Biofuel Production
The discovery of a single, key gene could lead to the streamlined production of cheaper biofuels

Gold Nanoparticles Boost Organic Solar Cell Efficiency
A 20 % improvement in the power conversion of organic solar cells can be achieved by incorporating gold nanoparticles

New Method for Antibody Synthesis
Synthetic antibodies can be built from readily available peptides thanks to new technique

Optimization of Sugar Recovery from Switchgrass
Extrusion combined with other pretreatment methods resulted in a combined sugar recovery of 88 %