First boron-containing allenylidene-like complexes display reactivity not predicted by DFT calculations
New Boron Complexes with Unpredicted Reactivity
Which Chemically Modified Graphene is Best?
Each production method results in different electrochemical behavior for graphenes but which is best for electrochemical devices?
Extraterrestrial Nucleobases
Could meteorites have provided the essential nucleobase ingredients for life on Earth?
UK Chemists Respond to Organic Chemistry Cuts
Over 100 of world's top chemists have written to the UK Prime Minister to warn of impacts of proposed cuts in research funding
Atomic Force Microscopy Can Control Fat Intake
Optimization of food’s functional properties through the manipulation of its molecular structure by using Atomic Force Microscopy
The Importance of Chemistry for the Future of the Pharma Industry
Hanno Wild discusses how the future of the pharma industry will depend on organic chemistry
Dark Versus Light Beer
The distinctive different flavors of light and dark beer could be explained by the presence of iron according to Spanish researchers
Special Issue: Shining Light on Photocatalysis
August issue of the Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology focuses on the latest developments in photocatalysis
Peter Seeberger Receives Roy Whistler Prize
Peter Seeberger, Director of the Max-Plank Institute, Potsdam, Germany, receives prize for work on carbohydrates
Nanoparticles Diagnose Flu in Minutes
Gold nanoparticles diagnose flu in minutes allowing physicians to begin treatment when it’s most effective