The terminology and concepts behind the terms for expressing relative differences in stable isotope ratios have been clarified

Guidelines for Isotope and Gas Ratios

DECHEMA Student Prizes Awarded
The DECHEMA Student Prizes recognize graduates with outstanding results that completed their studies in a particular short time

Gautam Desiraju New IUCr President
Gautam Desiraju, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, has been elected President of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)

Efficient Trifluoromethylation of Alkenes
Copper catalyst and hypervalent iodine give a rare example of general and highly efficient direct trifluoromethylation of terminal olefins

Reverse Engineering Organic Solar Cells
Chemists have studied 9000 copolymer materials to calculate the optimal polymer for making organic photovoltaic solar cells

Jacques Villermaux Medal Presented to Pohorecki
The Jacques Villermaux Medal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering has been awarded to Ryszard Pohorecki

DECHEMA Awards Pühler and Weitkamp
Alfred Pühler and Jens Weitkamp have been awarded Honorary Memberships of the DECHEMA

Arnold Eucken Prize Awarded
The Arnold Eucken Prize has been awarded to Dr. Marco Haumann and Dr. Martin Seipenbusch

First Amino Acid Ionic Liquid Gel
Adding another ion to an amino acid ionic liquid makes it a thermotropic and ion conductive gel while retaining the ionic status

New Metal Hydride Cluster
Clusters composed of rare-earth and d-transition metals exhibit unique reactivity properties pointing the way to new hydrogen storage techniques