Peter Stang, University of Utah, USA, will receive the highest scientific honor from the US government

P. Stang Awarded National Medal of Science

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Saturday 1 October
Latest results for the predictions for the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

New Synthesis of (–)-Nakadomarin A
A more practical and efficient total synthesis of antimicrobial (–)-nakadomarin A has been described

Fire and Rechargeable Batteries
Understanding how rechargeable lithium-ion batteries can be a fire risk under various conditions is the aim of fire calorimetry studies

Biocatalysis Special Issue
Biocatalysis offers many advantages to chemical synthesis, but what are the challenges facing the biocatalysis community?

DSM Acquires Chinese Polymer Producer
DSM completes acquisition of majority share in China-based ultra high molecular weight polyethylene fiber manufacturer

Going with the Flow Leads to Chemical Violation
New simulations violate conventional theory but match experimental measurements for vibrational energy flow

Understanding Bacterial Photosynthesis with Quantum Mechanics
German researchers unravel a long-standing puzzle about the structure of spheroidene in the photosynthetic purple bacteria

Protecting an Apple a Day
Extracts and metabolites from the Gingko biloba tree can be used to prevent infestation of apple trees

Put Your 5'-Cap on for Sensitive Detection
Closely related microRNAs can be detected selectively with new 5' quinolone cap