X-ray crystallography and density functional theory were used to determine the solid-state structures of dimethylzinc and diethylzinc
Solid-State Structures of Legendary Organozinc Compounds
Angewandte Chemie 39/2011: Great Chemistry in Every Layer
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
New Technology for Recovering Minerals
New collector technology consisting of water-repelling nanoparticles recovers almost 100 % of minerals in waste rock
Literary Prize: A. Behr, D. Agar and J. Jörissen
The 2011 literary prize is awarded to three university professors from Dortmund: Arno Behr, David Agar and Jakob Jörissen
Winner of H2O Mach's Bunt School Competition
Winners of the H2O mach's bunt school competition choosen
Most Accessed Articles: August 2011
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for August 2011
Biodiesel Production in Argentina
Evonik builds new catalyst plant for biodiesel production in Argentina
Detoxifying Biofuel Side Products
Producing ethanol from barley could also generate animal feed if the toxins can be removed
Carrier Systems for CO
Polymers that release CO upon irradiation could see use as treatment for cancer or inflammation
BASF Qtech Formed
New start-up will focus on commercializing advanced catalytic surface coatings for steam cracker furnace tubes