Agilent Technologies Inc. and the University of Technology, Sydney, establish a joint NMR research facility

Joint NMR Research Facility

Green and Efficient HMF Production
Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from fructose with a yield of up to 87 %

New Rules for Reaction Dynamics
The Polanyi rules which describe the partitioning of energy in reaction barriers have been shown to neglect long-range steric forces

The B-Class Gets Some Class-A Help
Designing small-molecule ligands for class B GPCRs despite the lack of structural information for this receptor class

Recycling Catalysts by Precipitation
Simple way to recover and reuse chiral copper bis(oxazoline) complexes reported by French researchers

Synthesizing Rigid Bicycles
Polyprenylated polycyclic acylphloroglucines which have a range of activities can now be synthesized in just seven steps

Carbon-Chitosan Complex Removes Heavy Metal
Novel activated carbon-chitosan complex removes Pb2+ and Cd2+ from industrial wastewaters

Feeding Fruit Flies So They Fluoresce
How do you image a fruit fly? By feeding it a fluorescent nano-onion

New Guest-Accepting Organic Crystals
Organic alloys with guest-acceptor capabilities could allow crystal properties to be tuned by doping or mixing

Therapeutic Target in Breast Cancer
Blocking the expression or activity of a serine protease inhibitor in breast cancer cells could be a potential therapy for breast cancer