New nanofiber-structured electrode fabricated and tested as cathode in proton exchange membrane fuel cell membrane electrode assemblies

High-Performance Nanofiber Fuel Cell Electrodes

Hydrogen Storage in a Liquid
Liquid-phase material that stores H2 could make the transition to an H2-based energy economy cheaper and easier

Best Paper in Mass Spectrometry
A. Licciardello, University of Catania, Italy, has been awarded the Beynon Prize 2011 from Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry

New Continuous Chromatographic Technology
Validation of a procedure for the selection of operating parameters of sequential centrifugal partition chromatography

Guide to Cutting CO2 Emissions
Analysis of the technological steps needed to reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 identifies the key role of electricity

DECHEMA Award 2011 for A. Hierlemann
A. Hierlemann, ETH Zurich, awarded prize for work that directly couples living cells to microelectronic chips

Global Operating Unit Battery Materials
BASF creates new global business unit to advance battery activities for electromobility

Problem Solvers and Thinkers
Rutger van Santen looks at how catalysis combines science and technology to yield advances that would be otherwise impossible

Joseph Wang Honored
Joseph Wang, University of California — San Diego, USA, is honored by the University of Alcalá, Spain

Sanibel Symposium
One of the oldest meetings in Quantum Chemistry, proceedings published in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry