ThyssenKrupp Otto, Tokyo, Japan, will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary

ThyssenKrupp Uhde acquires Otto Corporation in Japan

Advance Towards New Biobased Performance Materials
Efficient, stereospecific synthesis of high purity isohexide diamines – high-performance biobased polymers such as polyamides

CO2 Sequestration Using Industrial Waste
Ways to store CO2 by using the minerals from industrial waste from steel making or municipal waste are explored

Elements 114 And 116 Named
The IUPAC recommended new proposed names for the latest heavy elements to be added to the periodic table

Laser Offers New Insight Into Atmosphere
Firing laser pulses between satellites is promising a step up in tracking greenhouse gases

Preserve Resources And Make Renewable Energies More Efficient
Technology Forum held by Heraeus, VCI and Fraunhofer Institute discussed the role of chemistry for our resources and energy future

ECS-3's Complex Structure Solved
Crystalline hybrid organic–inorganic aluminosilicate with open porosity and one of the most complex structures ever solved by electron diffraction

Winners of the ChemistryViews IYC Video Competition
We are pleased to announce the winners of our IYC2011 video competition

Safety of ZnO Nanoparticles in Sunscreen
Nonlinear optical microscopy used to test the concentration of ZnO nanoparticles at different skin depths

Why Are Ants Rarely Seen on the Webs of Spiders?
A novel property of spider silk: chemical defence against ants