Biannual national meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) covering the complete field of chemistry
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ACS Spring 2026 National Meeting & Exposition

Analytica Conference 2026
International trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis, and biotechnology and conference

ChemBio Finland 2026
Most significant event for the chemistry and biotechnology professionals in the Nordic Countries and Baltic regions

Pulp & Beyond 2024
Leading international event bringing together the latest forest-based bioeconomy innovations, products, services and technologies as well as key people throughout the ecosystem

10. Jahrestreffen der Seniorexperten Chemie
Senior experts presenting on a diverse range of chemistry topics, new findings and prompts for discussion

Wasser 2026
The central German conference that presents the latest findings on all water quality topics

XXX International Conference on Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry (ICCBIC)
The only regular scientific event in the field of coordination and bioinorganic chemistry in Central Europe

51th IUPAC World Polymer Congress 2026 (MACRO 2026)
Forum for worldwide polymer research communities to connect and share knowledge and professional experiences

10th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC10)
Major, biannual chemistry conference, where chemists from all parts of Europe and beyond come together to present and discuss the latest achievements in cutting edge chemical sciences

9th International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors (ISEECap 2026)
Brings together leading experts to exchange knowledge and discuss advancements, trends, and future challenges in electrochemical capacitors