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Guess the Chemist (127)
Photo Competition – Your View of Chemistry
Submit photos that represent your personal view of chemistry and have the chance to win a book
Baker’s Yeast Used to Remove Lead from Water
Lead removal at trace concentrations via biosorption
New PET Hydrolase
Enzyme in salivary microbes decomposes PET-based plastics
Tears instead of Blood
Sensor with separation capability: diagnosing jaundice using tear fluids
Publishing Good Research in the Best Possible Way
Chemistry Europe brings together selected European early career researchers and editors
125th Birthday: Georg Wittig
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry well-known for the Wittig reaction
Global Chemicals Safety Community Back in Helsinki
What do the European Commission, chemical industry, NGOs, say about the European Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)?
Plastic Made of Vanillin
Upcycling with light: Biomass-derived crosslinked polymers
More Data in Chemistry
Clearer reporting of negative experimental results would improve reaction planning in chemistry