The membership magazines of the Chemistry Europe societies conducted interviews with the Fellows from their respective countries
Interviews with the New Chemistry Europe Fellows
Discover Tutorials and Research Articles on Quantum Computing
The International Journal of Quantum Chemistry wants to help the interested reader to dig into the new fascinating world of quantum computing
Chemistry Europe Societies are Fully Committed to Open Access Publishing
Chemistry Europe elected ChemElectroChem to be the first title in their journal portfolio to transition from a reader-pays subscription model to an author-pays open access model
Chemistry & Spices
A compilation of articles on chemistry related to spices
Bonding for Impact
Highlights of the Young Chemists' Program at the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress
300th Birthday: Axel Fredrik Cronstedt
Swedish researcher discovered nickel and is considered a founder of modern mineralogy
Fire Destroys Historical Auditorium of the Liebig Laboratory
The place of Liebig’s first experimental lectures and part of the Liebig Museum caught fire
Polymer Chains Unlinked
Lanthanide-organic catalyzed depolymerization of Nylon-6 to ε-caprolactam
Long-Lasting, Intense Afterglow
Organic dyes with persistent delayed fluorescence and ultralong phosphorescence
Mild Ammonia Synthesis
A novel approach to nitrogen fixation in solution at room temperature and low pressures using radical compounds