Test your knowledge of famous scientists with this quiz featuring insights and reflections from some of the most renowned minds in the field
Scientific Wisdom: A Quotation Quiz Challenge
The Future of Making Molecules
A. Lapkin, University of Cambridge, on the state of the art and challenges of transforming chemistry into the digital realm
Ph.D. Journeys Abroad – The Challenges of Starting a New Life Far from Home
How finding one's strength and accepting help can help to overcome the pressures, doubts, and stresses a Ph.D. abroad brings with it
Healing with Venom – Part 2
How can animal toxins be used in the future as biopesticides to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases? What is the new research field of "venomics" all about?
Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Assemblies for Delivering Peptide Ligands
Instead of using 3D "packages" for drug delivery, peptides are embedded in a large and well-defined 2D array
Guess the Chemist (134)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
Guess the Character (14)
Can you guess the fictional scientist from the description?
Metal‐Backboned Polymer
A polymer with a metallic backbone that is conductive, thermally stable, and has interesting optoelectronic properties
Who Will Win the Wolf Prize 2023?
Make your prediction for the most prestigious award after the Nobel Prize
An Unusual Painting with an Unusual Lead Compound
X-ray powder diffraction mapping at multiple length scales revealed lead formate in Rembrandt's The Night Watch