What is a Post-Doc in Paris like? Tibiriçá Gonçalves Vasconcelos tells us why he chose Paris in his Blog. Part 2

Blog: Post-doc in Paris 2

Toxic Color Test
A new lab-on-a-chip sensor array – little bigger than a business card can – detect toxic industrial chemicals at low cost and low concentrations

Blog: Post-doc in Paris 1
What is a Post-Doc in Paris like? Tibiriçá Gonçalves Vasconcelos shares his experiences in a new Blog.

Saving Platinum
Monolayer of platinum atoms on a tungsten carbide support catalyzes the electrolytic production of hydrogen effectively and cheaply

Embedded Rods
Chitin-silicon dioxide nanocomposite made by self-organization and sol-gel chemistry

Clicking Probes Together
Click chemistry can be used for the efficient labeling of (bio)molecules with 99mTc

3rd Summer School on Chemistry History
Report on "On Atoms And Molecules: 150 Years After the Congress of Karlsruhe" Summer School, Logroño, Spain, July, 2010

R&D Expenditure in Europe
R&D expenditure and number of researchers in Europe

Nobel Prize Quiz
Test your knowledge of the Nobel Prizes with our quiz

Experiences from Seoul
What is a Post-Doc in Korea like? Eun Hea (Grace) Jho about her experiences