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Nobel Prize Quiz
Experiences from Seoul
What is a Post-Doc in Korea like? Eun Hea (Grace) Jho about her experiences
Mess-ter Comic – Can I Eat LAlMe2? I'm Hungry
A new comic series by Sophie Lin: In part 2 she depicts the highs and lows of her master’s training
Chocolate – The Noblest Polymorphism III
Klaus Roth takes the final look at chocolate, health, sex, and drugs as he asks - Chocolate, a healthy food?
Bio Meets Nano
Quantum dots can be used as light-harvesting antennas for artificial photosynthetic systems
Solid Spheres
Nanospheres made of aromatic amino acids: The most rigid organic nanostructures to date
Cocaine Stored In Alcohol
UK and Swiss research teams reveal two techniques proven to identify dissolved cocaine in bottles of wine or rum from outside the bottles
ProcessNet Snapshots
Snapshots of the ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010 and the 28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen in Aachen
Metallic Sponge
Theorizing and synthesizing metallic sponges for absorption of greenhouse gases and hydrogen storage in vehicle fuel cells
Organometallic Fuel Cell
New kind of fuel cell delivers energy and fine chemicals with no waste from renewable raw materials