The DeSal Challenge at the Technical University Munich provided new ideas for desalination and much fresh water despite the rain

Desalination in the Rain: The 2011 TUM DeSal Challenge

Interview with Editors of ChemistryOpen
Interview with the editors of the new ChemPubSoc Europe journal ChemistryOpen – youngest member, but a first in many aspects

First Tricolor Liquid Crystals
Thermal and mechanical stimuli switch the luminescence of a liquid-crystal mixture between three different colors

OMCOS 16 Conference: Chemistry with a Song
Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis Symposium provided some interesting chemistry and entertainment

Women in Chemistry — Interview with Supawan Tantayanon
Supawan Tantayanon, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, will be the first female president of the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies

Wonderlab Comic — Gloves
Gin-Jo and Sophie discover the importance of wearing — and removing — gloves

Everybody – Many – 60 – 15 – 4
German selection process for the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) from the North Rhine-Westphalian point of view and its success

Solar Cell Production in 2010
Worldwide production of solar cells and their countries of origin

Michael Wink on Molecular Biotechnology and Growing Grapes
Michael Wink, University of Heidelberg, Germany, talks about his book, the future of biotechnology, and the best grapes to grow in Heidelberg

Women in Chemistry — Interview with Roberta Sessoli
Roberta Sessoli, University of Florence, Italy, is a pioneer in the field of magnetic bistability and quantum effects in mesoscopic materials