Ulrike Flad is the granddaughter of the founder of the Dr. Flad Institute in Stuttgart, Germany, and will take over its management from her father

Women in Chemistry — Interview with Ulrike Flad

Introducing the Young Chemists Forum
The Young Chemists Forum (JCF) of the GDCh represents nearly one-fifth of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)

Balloon Competition of the Young Chemists Forum
IYC 2011 Balloon Competition is organized by the JungChemikerForum (Young Chemists Forum; JCF) of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker

Polymerization-Powered Microspiders
Polymerization reaction drives micromotor that weaves a web and can be directed towards specific targets

Wolfram Koch on the GDCh’s Top Event
Wolfram Koch, Executive Director, GDCh, talks about the up-coming Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2011 in Bremen, Germany

Interview with Weifeng Ding
Weifeng Ding, Scientific Editor Chinese Journal of Chemistry, discusses the differences between the Shanghai and Weinheim editorial offices

New IChemE President — Interview with Sir William Wakeham
Sir William talks about his new position, IChemE, and the very flexible field of chemical engineering

New Type of Rechargeable Battery
Rechargeable batteries in cars could give way to microporous polymer that is an unusually powerful supercapacitor

Pietro Biginelli: The Man Behind the Reaction
The Biginelli dihydropyrimidine synthesis is a very important and old multicomponent reaction—so why has its creator been forgotten?

Building Desalination Plants with DeSal Organizer A. Kroiß
Alex Kroiß, organizer of the DeSal Challenge, Munich, Germany, discusses the event and what inspired him to get involved