New ligands for nuclear waste treatment selectively extract radiotoxic actinides and lessen the environmental impact of nuclear waste

Avoid the Fallout

Hot Attraction in Bimetals
Highest Curie temperature for a cyano-bridged vanadium–niobium bimetal assembly reported

Pesto — Mediterranean Biochemistry Part 2
In this last part we take a look at the synthesis of the perfect pesto

Parabens in Breast Tissue
Parabens in breast tissue not limited to women who have used underarm products

Recycling Platinum
Electrochemical dissolution of platinum in an ionic liquid could allow its environmentally friendly recycling

Ancient Mayans Used Tobacco
Mass spectrometry detects first physical evidence of nicotine in Mayan container

Algae for Your Tank?
New process for converting microalgae oil produces saturated hydrocarbons suitable for high-grade fuels for vehicles

Cages Strung Together
Persilastaffanes: silicon frameworks with delocalized sigma electrons are intriguing candidates for electronic applications

The Chemical Element
Review of The Chemical Element by Julia Hasler, International Scientific Development and Cooperation, UK, for UNESCO

Wonderlab Comic — Fashion Chemistry
The naming of the new elements causes a stir in the Wonderlab