Can you guess the famous chemist from the description?

Guess the Chemist (2)

Pushing the Boundaries
New dye could open the door to in vivo applications of fluorescence anisotropy

Precision Folds
Zinc-finger proteins act as site-specific adapters for DNA-origami structures

Renewable Hype
The general public can not decide which alternatives we should be opting for to build sustainability and energy security as best we can

Deadly Chinese Mushrooms
Mushroom amino acids are revealed as the cause of sudden deaths in Yunnan province of China

L. Oro: EuCheMS Past-President
Luis A. Oro, Past-President of EuCheMS, talks about EuCheMS' role in European science policy, his Presidency and his research

Underarm Hygiene Does Not Cause Breast Cancer
A study showing parabens are present in breast tumor tissue was quickly picked up by the tabloid media, but was their reporting accurate?

Nothing but Air
Novel cellulose–silica gel composite aerogels could be a starting point for the synthesis of many new porous materials

S. Caron on Practical Synthetic Chemistry
Stephane Caron, Pfizer, talks about the challenges facing synthetic chemists and how to choose a synthetic strategy

A Hint of Frog in the Air
Macrolides are volatile pheromones from Madagascar frogs that could be used for communication