Finally, we reach the practical part as we discover the ideal egg, from a culinary perspective
Boiled Eggs: Soft and Hard — Part 4
Michael Schütze on the Future of DECHEMA's Research
M. Schütze, Director DECHEMA Research Institute, talks about what the DECHEMA's reorganization means for the Research Institute
Combatting Designer Drugs Head On
New methods to help law enforcement keep up with the dizzying array of new designer drugs designed to escape detection
Thomas Scheuring on Organizing the ACHEMA Exhibition
T. Scheuring, CEO of DECHEMA Ausstellungs-GmbH, talks about what DECHEMA's reorganization means for the upcoming ACHEMA
The Field of Chemistry
The incredible breadth of contemporary scientific research makes browsing journal issues a worthwhile investment
Wonderlab Comic — Student vs. Teacher
We discover the real reason that chemistry T-shirts are popular as Sophie and friends take on the teacher in this latest installment
Test Result Written in Blood
Paper-based blood test provides “written report” of blood type
Antiviral Drug Strategies
Erik De Clercq' book, Antiviral Drug Strategies, is reviewed by Thomas W. Bell, USA
Simulated Digestion for Better Drug Delivery
Nanomaterial made from lipids and silicon dioxide improves absorption of pharmaceuticals by imitating the food effect
Two-Legged Molecule That Walks
Small molecule that can move independently along a track uses ring opening and closing reactions to take each step