Dr. E.-C. Koch, specialist in energetic materials for NATO, talks about the fascination of fireworks and society's need for explosives
E.-C. Koch on Energetic Metal-Fluorocarbon Materials and Munitions Safety
Laurie Starkey on the Challenges of Teaching Organic Chemistry
L. Starkey, California State Polytechnic University, lets students discover how interesting and even fun organic synthesis can be
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Packing
The quick and efficient setting up of a column can take years to master. Here are some tips and tricks to set up the perfect column
The Science of Football
What would a football game be without chemistry?
Wonderlab Comic — Rainy Day
As winter begins in the southern hemisphere, Wonderlab looks at some of the many reasons chemists don't like rain
J.-M. Lehn and A. Krief on Science and Responsibility
Jean-Marie Lehn and Alain Krief talk about responsibility in sciences in a globalized world and how countries benefit differently from science
Guess the Chemist (6)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
Eggs on Stalks Inspire Synthetic Silk
Researchers imitate the silk egg stalks of lacewings and create synthetic biomaterial that has similar tensile strength and elasticity
Metal-Organic Frameworks
Book on applications of MOFs and discussing the advantages and limits of the material is reviewed by Jiří Čejka, Czech Republic
ChemistryViews.org: Second Anniversary
Celebrating two exciting and successful years – looking back on what we've achieved and forward to your feedback and a great third year