Terpenoids isolated from common ragweed show ability to induce airways irritation
Electrophilic Sneeze
Heinz A. Staab (1926 ‒ 2012)
Heinz A. Staab, former President of the Max Planck Society and GDCh, died on July 29
The 6th Spanish-Portuguese-Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium
This meeting united science and Portuguese culture and had a special EurJOC and ChemPubSoc Europe session
Roots of our Practice of Science
Banska Stiavnica, Banská Štavnica, Schemnitz, or Selmecbánya, a town with a lively political history and groundbreaking for science
Glowing Fingerprints
Researchers make latent fingerprints visible with help from electrochemiluminescence
Self-Inflicted Asymmetry
Crystallization-induced asymmetric synthesis of nonracemic platinum(IV) polysulfide tris(chelate) complexes
Richard Neidlein (1930 – 2012)
Richard Neidlein, Heidelberg University, Germany, passed away on July 20
Fischer-Tropsch Refining
Book covering the production and refining of Fischer-Tropsch syncrude is reviewed by Malcolm Green, UK
Timely Delivery
Ribonucleoside 3'-phosphates as pro-moieties for the timed release of orally available drugs
Designing Dendrimers
Book on developments in the field of dendrimers and is reviewed by David K. Smith, University of York, UK