Highly efficient electrocatalyst for the reduction of oxygen in fuel cells and batteries

Inspired by a Breakwater

Lure for Diatoms
Diatom sex pheromone isolated and characterized

pH Sensor for Cell Organelles
pH-dependent conformation change controls energy transfer in nanocrystal sensors

Mordecai Rubin (1926 – 2012)
Mordecai Rubin, one of the founding fathers of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Technion, Israel, has passed away

A Fragrance That Breaks the Rules
Synthetic analogue of the vetiver oil odorant, used in perfumes like Ralph Lauren's ‘Polo’ and Chanel N°5, has proven the vetiver rule wrong

Improved Performance for Solar Cells
Highly efficient p-type dye-sensitized solar cell with cobalt-based electrolyte

Javier García-Martínez on the Commercialization of Research
How do you form a spin-off company from your research? J. García-Martínez talks about his experiences and how he finds time for his many roles

Wonderlab Comic – Application Season
With stiff competition for Ph.D. positions, mediocre student Jin-Jo is advised by his Wonderlab colleagues to get his application in early

H. Feldmann on the Oldest Domesticated Organism: Yeast
Horst Feldmann, Germany, discusses the past and future of yeast research to explain why this mircoorganism is so important

Guess the Chemist (12)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?