Fluorescence lights up cells programmed to die

Dying Brightly

It All Depends on the Length
Chemical functionalization of ‘toxic’ long carbon nanotubes reduces their effective length and alleviates asbestos-like pathogenicity

Chemistry in Theatre
Carl Djerassi's latest book, Chemistry in Theatre, is reviewed by Stefan Böschen, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany

Clogged Pores for Increased Effectiveness
Whey protein stabilizes nanotransporter and controls pH-dependent drug release

Feel Your Molecule’s Reactions
Haptic quantum chemistry makes interaction and reaction of molecules touchable and could revolutionize quantum calculations

Wonderlab Comic – Happiness in Hard Times
Wonderlab looks at the sacrifices and rewards of being a chemist in order to find some happiness when times are tough

Answer: Microbial World Quiz
Answers to the quiz on the most fascinating and underrated organisms on the planet – microbes

Shampoo Science
The composition of a typical shampoo and how it works

A Chemical Examination of the Isenheim Altar: Role Played in History by Horned Rye (3)
The isolation and structural determination of the potent ergot alkaloids guarantees we can enjoy our daily bread without harm

Sunggyu Lee on the Future of Energy Technology
Sunggyu Lee, USA, on where energy technology is heading, the role of governments in its development, and his latest research