Professor Nicholas J. Turro, Columbia University, USA, has passed away
Nicholas Turro (1938 – 2012)
A Bright Future for Silicon
The first ordered Si nanocrystal arrays may provide a new platform to study and tailor the light-emitting properties of silicon
Guess the Chemist (11)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
Sunlight-Driven CO2 Fixation
Diffuse sunlight on a cloudy day is enough to drive the capture of CO2 by amino ketones according to Japanese researchers
Chemistry Shaping the Future: German-Russian Symposium
LANXESS and the Russian Academy of Sciences organized scientific symposium in Moscow
Radioprotective Molecules
Blocking iodide transport by inhibiting the sodium iodide symporter
A Chemical Examination of the Isenheim Altar: Role Played in History by Horned Rye (1)
The Isenheim Altar depicts the symptoms and treatment of “St. Anthony’s Fire”, the result of poisoning by ergot alkaloids
Where Chemical Education is Heading: Interview with Peter Mahaffy
P. Mahaffy, Canada, talks about the need to change the way of teaching chemistry and where he sees chemical education in 50 years
Wonderlab Comic – Poster Session
Ever struggled to engage a student in a conversation at a poster session? Wonderlab explores some of the reasons why
Butterfly Effects in Nano Solutions
What almost sounds like a weird solution memory effect, homeopathy almost, is important for reproducibility of experiments and controlling parameters