Bruce Lipshutz, University of California, talks about his amazement of what is possible and the big challenge of altering the current practice of organic chemistry

The Audience Wants More: A Good Article Tells a Good Story

Wonderlab – Hazardous Chemicals
The occupants of Wonderlab prepare for the annual safety check

Mind your Language! A Very Brief Guide to Language Usage in Scientific Writing (2)
A reader/editor/reviewer may miss the whole point of your manuscript if it is unnecessarily dressed up in difficult language

How BASF Identifies New Areas of Business
Andreas Riehemann, Managing Director BASF New Business GmbH, talks about the work of his department and the most fascinating trends

Guess the Chemist (20)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

From Pharmacy to the Pub — A Bark Conquers the World: Part 4
What does quinine do to counteract malaria?

Top Ten Chemical Companies in 2012
Worldwide, chemical companies saw slight decline in revenues in 2012

Career: As A Chemist at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
Derek Knight, Senior Scientific Advisor, talks about the fascination and challenges of his job and what makes regulatory sciences so exciting

Chemists Talk About Their Jobs
What to do after your Ph.D.? A series of interviews in which we ask a wide range of scientists about their work to explore options

Jumping Crystals
Scientists from the United Arab Emirates and Russia examined light-induced jumping crystals by kinematic analysis