Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was first synthesized November 16, 1938, by Albert Hofmann

75th Anniversary: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)

Growing Gallium Nitride Crystals
Understanding the ammonothermal method for growing GaN crystals

Early Detection of Cancer
Fluorophore-labeled cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors for the noninvasive detection of tumors

New Legislative Regulations for Chemicals in China
The new regulations on how to register chemicals in China are one of the most complex legislative measures in the country

Career: As A Chemist Coaching Managers
Dr. Gaby Schilling talks about her motivation to support people in their career and the challenges involved

Guess the Chemist (23)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description

Classic Paper but No New Data
Heavily cited and highly useful but didn't report anything new, so how did it become a classic?

After Submission and Handling Referee Comments: Manuscript Accepted or Revision Requested
Your manuscript has either been accepted or it needs revisions for another round of peer review. Insider tips on making those revisions

Wonderlab Comic – Thin Layer Chromatography
Jo's lessons in analytical techniques continue with a lesson in thin layer chromatography

Avram Hershko: Curiosity and Persistence
Nobel Laureate Avram Hershko discusses how curiosity, choosing the right research, and persistence work as a general principle for success