Halogenated natural alkaloids show herbicidal and antiplasmodial activity

A New Approach to Malaria Treatment?

Conifer Scent Influences Climate
Detection by IR: The ozonolysis of terpenes forms Criegee intermediates that oxidize sulfur dioxide

Award for Contributions to Green Chemistry
A. Arpornwichanop, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, has received the Wiley–Chemical Society of Thailand (CST) Award

Musical Molecules
Nanofibers align to the sound of Beethoven and Mozart

International Experience in Scientific Education: Distracting or Indispensible?
Science is an increasingly global endeavour but doctoral education continues to take place largely within a single institution

Gautam Desiraju: Follow Your Convictions
G. Desiraju, India, talks about inspiring scientists, future hopes, the situation in India, and the International Year of Crystallography

Finding a New Solution to Chemical Problems
Switchable-hydrophilicity solvents (SHSs) are potenial alternatives to the commonly used volatile organic solvents (VOCs)

Chemical Technology of the 1910s
100 years ago, Fritz Ullmann started to discuss topics related to industrial chemistry: state-of-the art of the 1910s

Vitamin C Deficiency
It took hundred of years and a long sequence of small advantages and missed opportunities to discover the importance of vitamin C

E. Peter Kündig: Chemistry in Switzerland
The President of the Swiss Chemical Society talks about their program of reform and the fascination of discovery