Exchange of bismuth atoms for chloride ions with retention of structure

Molecular Hinges Open Pathways

Innovative Learning and Teaching Practices
This page lists innovative learning and teaching practices in chemistry

Iron Oxide as an Ultralightweight
Iron oxide frameworks with hierarchical pore structure from pyrolysis of Prussian blue nanocrystals

Chains of Gold and Palladium
Copolymerization of metal nanoparticles for the production of colloidal plasmonic copolymers

Micro-Patchwork Family
3D construction: microparticles made of three chemically independent patches

Color Without Dyes
New non-iridescent structural colors cover the whole spectrum

Behind the Science: Copolymerization of Metal Nanoparticles
Dr. Jonathan Faiz talks to Professor Eugenia Kumacheva about her article on the assembly of metal nanoparticles

What’s New in 3D Printing?
3D printing has made its way into chemistry. H. Dodziuk looks at what this manufacturing technique could mean for science and society

Guess the Chemist (26)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Win-Win Situation for Industry and Academia
Dr. Anton A. Kiss, AkzoNobel, talks about separation technology, process intensification, and process systems engineering