Dr. Jonathan Faiz talks to Professor Eugenia Kumacheva about her article on the assembly of metal nanoparticles
Behind the Science: Copolymerization of Metal Nanoparticles
What’s New in 3D Printing?
3D printing has made its way into chemistry. H. Dodziuk looks at what this manufacturing technique could mean for science and society
Guess the Chemist (26)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
Win-Win Situation for Industry and Academia
Dr. Anton A. Kiss, AkzoNobel, talks about separation technology, process intensification, and process systems engineering
Vitamin C Deficiency – Part 2
When scurvy was identified as a form of malnutrition, an exciting race for the isolation, structure determination, and synthesis of vitamin C started
Periodicity of Melting Points
The phenomenon of periodicity is particularly clear in the melting points of the elements
Behind the Scenes of the Wonderlab Cartoon
Interview with Sophie Lin, a chemist in Taiwan, who started drawing the Wonderlab Cartoon Series for ChemistryViews.org in 2010
Building Anticancer Drugs Without Side Effects
Late-stage divergent synthetic route allows the synthesis of analogues of bleomycin, a common anticancer drug
Chemical Poems: Fluorine
Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table
The Early Career Series
ChemPlusChem features up and coming researchers whose focus is on multidisciplinary research centering on chemistry