Magnetic layers and chains combine to form three-dimensional magnetic framework

Magnet Made of Paddlewheels and Pillars

Novartis Early Career Award in Organic Chemistry 2014
Ryan A. Shenvi, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA, and Daniel J. Weix, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, awarded

Rudolf Hoppe (1922 – 2014)
Rudolf Hoppe, University of Gießen, Germany, has passed away

Paul von Ragué Schleyer (1930 – 2014)
Paul von Ragué Schleyer, University of Georgia, Athens, USA, has passed away

10 Years Ago And Now: Qichun Zhang
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Qichun Zhang about 10 years ago and now

10 Years Ago And Now: Atsuhiro Osuka
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Atsuhiro Osuka about 10 years ago and now

The Greening of the Cosmetics Industry
Sustainability has come to the fore in the cosmetics and personal care industry

Career: As a Chemist at a Chemical Society
Dr. Karin Schmitz talks about how she came to work at the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and why communication is an important skill for her work

10 Years Ago And Now: Yusuke Yamauchi
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Yusuke Yamauchi about 10 years ago and now

German Process Engineers About Their Future
VDI Members Survey 2014 focused on innovation and prospects for the future