Albertus Magnus (c. 1200–1280) was a medieval naturalist and polymath who aimed to fully understand the knowledge of his time and present it clearly in textbooks

Curiosity Drives Scientific Observations

George M. Sheldrick (1942 – 2025)
British chemist who specialized in structural analysis through X-ray diffraction has passed away

Enhanced Battery Modeling: Improving Charge and Lifetime Predictions
Limei Jin and Christoph Scheurer discuss their advanced method to enhance electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to improve the accuracy of estimating battery charge levels and aging over time

Sunday ChemistryViews Quiz
Test your chemistry knowledge with our fun and quick quiz, releasing on select Sunday mornings!

Angewandte Chemie 8/2025: Performance Improvements
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Call for Nominations: Prize for Ludic Sciences 2025
Recognition of a scientific work resulting from research carried out not with a view to a specific application, but out of sheer curiosity

Selective C(sp³)-H Borylation of Methoxy Groups via Iron Complexes
Ken Sakata and Yoshiaki Nishibayashi from Japan, found new iron complexes to efficiently catalyze selective C(sp³)-H borylation of methoxy groups in aryl and alkyl methyl ethers

Angewandte Chemie 7/2025: Activation
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Chemistry and Love: A Valentine’s Day Special
A growing collection of articles related to February 14

Plastic Recycling for 3D Printing
A sustainable 3D printing material platform based on polythioenones (PCTE) is introduced