Herbert Ipser, President of the Austrian Chemical Society, on the importance of chemical societies and the situation in Austria

Our Standard Of Living Is Due To The Achievements of Chemistry

The Art of Chemistry – Winners
Winners of the quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal announced

Alcohol – Not Just for Drinking
In chemistry as in our daily lives, alcohol comes in various forms, such as beer, wine, sake, or any organic compound with a hydroxyl group at a saturated carbon atom

IUPAC-2015 in Busan, Korea
Passion of chemists overwhelms hot summer days in Korea at 48th General Assembly and 45th World Chemical Congress

Fostering Friendship and Collaboration in Singapore
Golden Jubilee Chemistry Conference strengthens partnerships

Buchwald Symposium
Symposium and dinner at MIT celebrating Buchwald's 60th birthday

Endoscopic Cancer Detection in Real Time
Characteristic mass spectra identify tissue of the gastrointestinal tract in vivo

First Female President of the Hungarian Chemical Society
Newly re-elected President, Livia Sarkadi, about chemistry in Hungary, her experience in societal work, and women in chemistry

Chemistry and Light Contest: Enter and Win
You are invited to write an essay and may win an iPad

Communication Along the Supply Chain
Dr. Erika Kunz, Clariant, talks about the importance of supply-chain management and what it means for an international company