Largest bi-annual conference of the GÖCH (Austrian Chemical Society) took place in Innsbruck

Chemistry in Austria

The Challenge for German Chemistry Teachers
Advanced courses in chemistry: Essential for the future of chemistry

The Stora Enso Biomaterials Shift
Transforming a pulp and paper producer into a biomaterials and biochemical company

The Nobel Prize
A topical look back on the best of to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the news and information service

Enzymatic Micromotor-Driven Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Carbon dioxide capture by enzymatic conversion into carbonate with the help of a self-propelled micromotors

A Cube from the "Uranium Burner"
Forensic investigation of uranium from German nuclear projects in the 1940s

Chemistry Connects – WiFo2015
The largest and most important scientific event of the GDCh, the Wissenschaftsforum (WiFo 2015) took place in Dresden

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015
Make your predictions for the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

A Future Without Cleaning
Transparent and durable: fluorine-free anti-smudge polyurethane coatings

Nanodiamonds Lined Up
Polymerization of carbon cage structures to linear diamond-like structures inside carbon nanotubes