Simple carbohydrates play an important part in the AB0 blood types

Blood Types and Carbohydrate Chemistry

Behind the Science: Self-Heating Nanocrystal Syntheses
Dr. Claire Cobley, ChemNanoMat, talks to Professor Hong Yang about metal nanocrystals

Chlorabietols – Novel Compounds From Rare Plants
Plant species native to remote regions of China yields previously unseen chemical skeleton

Opioids in Well Water
Proof of anthropogenic tramadol in plants and environment of Cameroon

Reinforcement from Nature
Hybrid aerogels made from biopolymers and silica

Darkening Colors in Van Gogh's Sunflowers?
Some, but not all, chrome yellow colors degrade over time, as revealed by spectroscopic investigation

Safer Chemicals with Less Animal Testing
How can science help to avoid animal studies when evaluating chemicals safety?

Chemicals Safety and Regulations
A topical look back on the best of to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the news and information service

Membrane Science: A Solution for Major Global Challenges
Current trends in membrane science aim to tackle major issues by means of innovative membrane technologies for the separation and purification of highly valuable products or the removal of unwanted species

Richard F. Heck (1931 – 2015)
Nobel Laureate Richard F. Heck has passed away