Alfred Teischinger, BOKU, Vienna, talks about wood chemistry and wood as an engineering product
Wood as a Renewable and Abundant Resource
Thinking Outside the Nanobox
Synthesis of sharp-edged silver nanocubes with a polyol method
Art + Science Project
Chemistry and art students together worked on topics around photochemistry research
Robert Corriu (1934 – 2016)
Renowned French chemist Robert Corriu passed away
Spread Joy on Valentine’s Day
On Valentine's Day everybody can spread joy – even in the lab
Green Chemistry Award for Siwaporn M. Smith
Recognizing outstanding green chemistry research by young Thai chemists
Behind the Science: Language's Influence on Science
Dr. Jonathan Faiz, Angewandte Chemie, talks to Dr. Claire Filloux and reviewer Professor Ben Davis about Filloux`s Essay
50th Guess the Chemist
Could you have guessed all the famous scientists?
Surface-Specific Vibrational Spectroscopy
New type of vibrational spectroscopy gives insight into charged water interfaces
The Saccharin Saga – Part 5
What’s in your softdrink? – Introducing cyclamate