Reaction follows two different paths under light or dark conditions

The Light and Dark Sides of Chemistry

Behind the Science: Promoting the Water-Gas Shift Reaction
Partially reduced Ni-containing phyllosilicate structures enhance catalytic performance

Guess the Chemist (54)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Werner Reutter (1937 – 2016)
Renowned glycomics researcher passed away

How to Register Your Chemicals by 2018
Stakeholders' Day of European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) focused on needs of SMEs and 2018 REACH registration deadline

TUM DeSal Challenge 2016 – Progress Update
Preparing for the finals of TUM's student competition on seawater desalination

A Crystal Takes a Bow
Macroscopic self-oscillation: crystal bends and stretches in blue light

Favorite Science Moments – Photo & Video Competition
You are invited to submit your favorite picture or video taken in your lab

Graphene – From Fundamental Research to Applications
Meeting in Italy illustrated the diverse world of graphene and 2D materials

Triple Glow to Fight Counterfeiting
Ink with carbon nanodots luminesces via three different mechanisms