How does HPLC work, the single biggest chromatography technique essential to most laboratories worldwide

What is HPLC?

Loadable Nanocapsules
Carbon nanobubbles as containers with unusual loading and release properties

The Fingerprints of White Wines
Fluorescence-based assay system discerns different types of white wine

What is Schrödinger’s Cat?
Famous thought experiment illustrates concepts of quantum mechanics

Klaus Biemann (1926 – 2016)
"Father of organic mass spectrometry" passed away

Guess the Character (2)
Can you guess the character from the description?

Growing Steaks in the Lab
Can artificial meat be produced cheaply on a large scale?

Give It All You've Got
Yamuna Krishnan aims to develop a universal molecular imaging platform

Guess the Chemist (54)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

The Saccharin Saga – Part 8
Thaumatin – a sweet protein with a licorice aftertaste