Corroded stainless steel plate as an efficient water splitting electrode

Rusty Steel Triggers Oxygen Evolution

Behind the Science: Future Trends in Energy Storage
Discussing challenges to meet the world's increasing energy demand without sacrificing the environment

Explosive Synthesis
Tetrazino-tetrazine 1,3,6,8-tetraoxide, a powerful high-energy compound

Adventures in Separation Science and Technology
Research and development of HPLC adsorbents and columns with tailored surface chemistries and different column formats

Genetic Tests with the Naked Eye
Replication of enzyme-nucleotide chimeras

Counting Red Blood Cells
Electrochemical determination of the concentration and peroxidase activity of erythrocytes

Easy Dosimetry for Chemical Hazards
Disposable, low-cost chemidosimetric indicator with smartphone connection

Lessons Learnt from HPLC
During the past 25 years that I have been using HPLC, there have been enormous advances made

The Chemistry of Pools
How does swimming pool sanitation work?

Easy Chemical Safety Prediction
AMBIT is a new open-source software for industry and academia