Structure-guided switch in the regioselectivity of a tryptophan halogenase enzyme
Behind the Science: Changing the Selectivity of Biocatalysts
Power from Sun and Rain
Graphene layer could allow solar cells to generate power when it rains
Guess the Character
Can you guess the fictional chemist from the description?
Nanostructures Made from DNA
Daisy chain rotaxanes as molecular bearings
Communicating Science Effectively
Presenting knowledge about chemistry for a wide audience in an understandable way
Arsenic in Herring Caviar
New group of arsenolipids discovered in herring roe
Computers in Chemistry – 251st ACS Meeting
Impressions of the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in San Diego, USA
Opening Lines of Famous Papers
Can you guess important scientific articles by their first line?
Why Does C2 Cause so Many Problems?
The bonding situation in the carbon dimer is a controversial topic
Carbon Building Blocks in One Step
Double catalyst for the direct conversion of syngas to lower olefins