Biomimetic nickel catalysts immobilized on carbon nanotubes for hydrogen fuel cells

Platinum-Free Hydrogen Oxidation

Artificial Bursting Pods
Molecular switch drives powerful movement with opposed twisting helices

Blue Emitters for Organic Electronics
Deep-blue-emitting cyaphenine–carbazole molecules can be used to fabricate efficient LEDs

Direct Radiolabeling of Nanomaterials
Radiolabeled nanographene materials without chelators for bioimaging applications

Silyl- and Disilanyl-BODIPYs
Properties of silyl- and disilanyl-BODIPYs could boost materials science

Wheat Straw Goes with the Flow to Make Electricity
Direct conversion of biomass into electricity with a fuel cell

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
Graphical description of surface-sensitive spectroscopic technique

Guess the Chemist (62)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Expectations of Younger Chemists in France
International Younger Chemist Network: The expectations of younger chemists in France

To Tattoo or Not to Tattoo? – Part 3
The process of tattooing