Tailored microgel containers for plant health

Micro Delivery Service for Fertilizer

10 Chemistry Questions
Celebrating our 7th anniversary with a quiz

Group 13 Cyanides & Happiness
Ralf Haiges, University of California, USA, talks about the ideas behind his research on novel group 13 cyanides

90th Birthday: Manfred Eigen
Chemistry Nobel Laureate celebrates 90th birthday

Poultry Feed with Arsenic More Problematic than Assumed?
New methylated phenylarsenical metabolites identified in chicken livers

Deadly Nanoparcel for Cancer Cells
Free-radical-generating hybrid nanomaterial for the destruction of hypoxic cancer cells

Joseph-Achille Le Bel Prize 2016
Christian Bruneau and Mir Wais Hosseini honored

What is an ORCID?
Why should you have one and how do you get one? What kind of data are stored?

13C NMR Spectroscopic Data Verification Tool
W. Robien, University of Vienna, Austria, talks about his motivations for developing the system and how it came into being

The Oxidation of Alcohols
How does the oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids work?