Incompatible mixtures in storage tanks

Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge (3)

Extreme Bio-Acids Offer Electrospray Explanation
Highly charged protein ions give evidence for mass spectrometry model

From Manuscript to Article
What happens between submission and publication of your scientific article?

Guess the Chemist (66)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Polyphenols: Contributors to Good Health – Part 2
How do polyphenols influence human health?

Physical Chemists Run on Coffee
Peter Gilch, University of Düsseldorf, talks about his research group, their eye-catching website, and his research

Behind the Science: Supported MOFs for Industrial Applications
A. Itken-Fuder, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, talks to J. Coronas, Universidad de Zaragoza, about MOF thin films

Copper(II)-Patellamide Complexes in Blue-Green Algae
Studying copper–octapeptide complexes in the algae Prochloron

Nanosubmarine with Self-Destroying Activity
Redox-sensitive stomatocyte nanomotor delivers and releases drugs

The March for Science Continues
Interview with Eva Haas, EMBL, Heidelberg, about organizing the Science March and follow-up plans