Do you remember which chemical process produces which substance?
Chemical Processes
Why Agree to an Article Transfer?
Your questions about article transfer answered—as an author and as a referee
Guess the Chemist (70)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
The Air that I Breathe – Part 1
Chemistry of indoor air is a relatively new, diverse and interdisciplinary field surrounding us every day
Unique Way of Communicating Science
F. Haffner talks about her non-profit journal Esperluette that acquaints both scientists and artists with scientific research
Plant-Inspired Oil/Water Separation
Curved surfaces for the spontaneous separation of microsized water-in-oil drops
Highlight of the GDCh Jubilee Year 2017
International scientists met in Berlin for the WiFo, the GDCh’s biannual conference on all aspects of chemistry
Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge
Chemical process safety has become a widespread, international concern and receives high attention within the chemical industry
Fluorine-Containing Molecules from Cell Cultures
Living cells produce fluorinated metabolites and bioplastics
Winners: Chemist Photo Quiz
We are pleased to announce the winners of the chemist photo quiz