Lighting-up protein–ligand interactions with fluorescent PET (photoinduced electron transfer) sensor designs

Protein Sensing with Photoinduced Electron Transfer

Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge (4)
Hazardousness of high oxygen concentration

New Psychoactive Substances
Our ChemPubSoc Europe Advent Calendar highlights articles from magazines of the ChemPubSoc Europe societies

Malignant Mitochondria as a Target
A metallopeptide targets and disrupts mitochondrial function in breast cancer stem cells

Heating Up Tumors
New method for more effective photothermal tumor therapy with infrared light

Going Undercover to Fight Tuberculosis
Antibacterial β-lactone infiltrates mycomembrane biosynthesis and kills tuberculosis pathogen

Cell Tissue Must Not Freeze!
Polyproline, as a minimal antifreeze protein mimetic, protects cell monolayers from freeze damage

Battery: Working in the Cold
High-rate and long-life lithium-ion battery with improved low-temperature performance through a prelithiation strategy

Challenging and Fascinating Journey with ECHA
Geert Dancet, first Executive Director of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) about the success and challenges of ECHA

Guess the Chemist (72)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?