Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Guess the Chemist (77)

Pores for Thought
Mesoporous shell@macroporous core aluminosilicates as sustainable nanocatalysts for direct N-alkylation of amines

Improved Photosynthetic Microalgae Production of H2
Nanocellulose versus alginate matrices: New choices for biofuel photoreactors

New Kids on the Table: Is Element 118 a Noble Gas? – Part 2
The difficult road towards element 118

Emergency Diver, Chemical Engineer, Scholarship Holder
K. Westkamp on his social engagement as swift water specialist and emergency diver, and his already notable career path

EU Bans Neonicotinoids
According to critics this is a bad development for the European agricultural sector and the environment

Porous Salts for Fuel Cells
Organic salts with high proton conductivity

Water Dynamics Indicate Tumor Status
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique can assess tumor status noninvasively

Behind the Science: Cheap and Diastereoselective ß-Lactam Formation
Karen Hindson, EurJIC, talked to Bas de Bruin, University of Amsterdam, about his article on a one-pot route to ß-lactams, amides, and esters

A New Way to Atomically Thin Materials
Silicon secedes: titanium carbide flakes obtained by selective etching of titanium silicon carbide