Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Guess the Chemist (78)

Commitment to European Chemistry
F. De Angelis, Italy, on EuCheMS, ChemPubSoc Europe, the Italian Chemical Society, and his motivation for society work

The Next Generation of Portuguese Chemists
History, goals, and activities of the Young Chemists Group of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ)

Ultrastable Covalent Organic Frameworks
Strong hydrogen bonds protect material in harsh conditions

Three Generations of Organic Chemists
R. Huisgen, M. Breugst, H.-U. Reissig about their research and what they have learned and envy from each other

The Power of Chemistry for Humanity
President of the Italian Chemical Society, Angela Agostiano, about her vision for chemical societies and the societal importance of chemistry

21,551 Chemicals Registered on EU Market
10-year registration period for existing chemicals completed; one uniform regulatory system for all chemicals on the EU/EEA market

Combination Pack Battles Cancer
Nanoparticles with multifunctional drug precursor for synergistic tumor therapy

Color Change Unmasks Lead
Triplex-signal chemosensor for naked-eye and spectrometric lead detection

Libraries for Proteins
Dynamic combinatorial libraries generated from hydrazone-functionalized surface mimetics