Chemical sales of most of the world’s largest companies increased in 2017

Top Ten Chemical Companies in 2017

The Chemistry of Dental Care – Part 2
How to brush your teeth and how toothpaste works

Guess the Chemist (80)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Phase Switch in Polymers Using Light
Bistable material switches from solid to fluid and back

One Proton, One Electron—Many Transfer Pathways
Direct theoretical method for distinguishing mechanisms of net hydrogen atom transfers

Two New Ways to Fluorinated Structures
Synthesis of the veterinary antibiotic florfenicol by a safe and fast chemo-enzymatic route

What Is Quantum Crystallography?
A. Genoni and S. Grabowsky on the definition of and fascination with quantum crystallography and the future of this emerging field

An Elastic Puff of Air
Superflexible aerogels are highly efficient absorbents, thermal insulators, and pressure sensors

Tips for Video Shooting
Some very simple tips for beginners on how to improve your video to give you a better chance at the Element Video Competition

Stimulate Curiosity
Discussing future visions at Merck’s 350th anniversary with eminent people